FAITH PATH STEP: Prepare To Lead Your Child To Christ

• Age will vary: kit provided at Age 5+
• Even though we make this kit available to parents of children ages five and above, few children are ready to fully understand the gospel or make a faith decision at such a young age. Use this material to prepare yourself to be ready when your child expresses interest.

Get The Kit

Even though we make this kit available to parents of children ages five and above, few children are ready to fully understand the gospel or make a faith decision at such a young age. Use this material to prepare yourself to be ready when your child expresses interest. We’ve included a guide that offers practical tips and what we consider the best resources on the topic. The Prepare To Lead Your Child To Christ video and a booklet titled God Wants You in His Family will make that conversation easier when the time comes.

Prepare To Lead Your Child To Christ Kit


Schedule an appointment:
To schedule an appointment for you and your child to meet with a pastor or staff about salvation | GO HERE

About Our Church

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123 Certain, St
Anywhere, Tx 75087